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The Lost Dutchmen Mine and the Peg Leg Pete Mine
“One who searches for what is not lost is a fool:” ! The book “THE LOST DUTCHMEN MINE and PEG LEG PETE MINE” may lead one to the forgoing conclusion in regards to the Lost Dutchmen Mine. However, after over five years of research and writing this writer can state that his conclusions are not fact nor fiction, just supposition. However, the book is designed to allow the reader to answer the forgoing questions about fact or fiction about the Lost Dutchmen Mine. In regards to the Peg Leg Pete Mine (a supposition essay) the reader is allowed to answer the question about factor fiction for themselves.
This writer’s first journey into the past began when he wrote “THE EL MONTE PARK HISTORY” when he was working at El Monte Park (Lakeside, California). as a Park Ranger After, thirteen months of research and writing the completed work (THE EL MONTE PARK HISTORY) contained twelve pages. Years later in an abandoned pump house (8’x16′) located in El Monte Park; Artist/Muralist Mona and Ranger Harold Cohn created the “THE EL MONTE OAKS MUSEUM” by Mona Mills, Artist/ Muralist painting murals on the interior walls of the abandoned pump based on the book “the EL MONTE PARK HISTORY”..
I addition the second article this write saw published was titled: ‘THE GOLDEN ONION” which appeared un the November/December issue of “GOLD PROSPECTOR MAGAZINE”.
Years later, Ranger Cohn took a one day course offered by Cuyamaca College, El Cajon, California titled: “INDIANS of the Desert”. The course was a driving/walking tour of ancient Native American site in the Anza-Borrego Stte Park (California). Lowell and Diana Lindsay of Sunbelt Books were the instructors. it was during this tour this writer saw his first pictograph (example of Native American rock art). Diana Lindsay was giving a supposition explanation of the pictograph to the group (30-35) people. The pictograph measured *’8×12″.
First she said the meaning of the pictograph could be spiritual. Next she stated the pictograph could be about fertility. Then one of the group hollered out: “ITS GRAFFITI!”. Then it was like a black curtain dropped. The people disappeared. There was just this writer and this writer and the pictograph. I shouted out: “THE DAMNED THING IS A MAP!’ I returned to the real world at this point. I was welcomed the groups laughter which continued the rest of the day and all of the next day for the class titled: “PIONEER’S of the DESERT: Years later I was taking a creative writing course titled: “ARTICLES WRITING”. As with all creative writing, if you turned your three assignment you automatically received your “A” for the class. I had a bad case if writer’s block , I was it trouble! I stuck!
Then said to myself write about that pictograph you saw in the desert. As with all creative assignments every one in the class receives a copy of the article the writer has written as the writer reads it aloud. After the writer is finished the writer’s work open to comments by the class. After I finished reading my article, ‘THE STONE SPOKE: a classmate, “A LITTLE OLD LADY” screamed: “YOU CAN’T DO THAT I answered: MADAMN, I JUST DID!
Years later and years of research and writing I wrote the e-book titled” THE STONE SPOKE”. The forgoing book contains a series of supposition essay of Native American rock and related subjects. It is available barnes&noble.com.
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