Available in 2 formats: Kindle and Papaerback
Crazy Old Man:
An Anthology
The anthology “CRAZY OLD MAN” is designed to make you laugh, make you cry, and make you question why. This anthology is comprised of selected things written by this author over twenty-five years. In the book are the following genre: poetry, nonfiction, playwriting, and supposition essays. Examples of titles in the book by genre are: Poetry: “WINGED WARRIOR”, “THE WHORE”, “MR. GREENBURG”, and “weeping willow why” (American Haiku), Fiction: The short-short story “DUI” (written in second person), Nonfiction: “POINTS of INTEREST- DEADMAN,S POINT-SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA” , “THE MOUNT LAGUANA / KITCHEN CREEK FIRE”, AND “HOW TO SURVIVE A WRITER’S WORKSHOP”. Playwriting: the play titled: “MIDNIGHT”, Supposition essays: “BAKED-BEAN COLORED ROCK DECORATED WITH PETROGLYPHS”, ‘THE BALANCED SOLAR SYSTEM THOREM”, and “PERALTA STONES FIND THE LOST DUTCHMEN MINE”.
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